About GoDigital conference
GoDigital 2024
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution.
The GoDigital Conference is the largest independent business conference on digitalization in Slovenia. This year, it will take place on November 19, 2024, at Brdo pri Kranju.
The conference will host both domestic and international experts. The main theme of GoDigital 2024 is "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution."
The "Artificial Intelligence Revolution" conference will explore a wide range of AI applications beyond popular ones like Chat GPT. AI encompasses numerous concepts such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, autonomous systems, digital twins, and more. It offers many benefits to companies, including process automation, which increases efficiency and reduces costs, data analysis, which enables deeper insights and faster decision-making, optimization of business operations, and the creation of personalized customer experiences. Artificial intelligence is being used in various industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, and commerce. Its impact on productivity, innovation, and competitiveness is immense, as it facilitates the development of new products and services while enhancing existing business models.
At the conference, experts will share their knowledge and experiences on how organizations can take advantage of these opportunities and prepare for a future shaped by AI.
Stay at the forefront – attend the GoDigital 2024 conference.
The GoDigital Award for the best digital project of the year will also be presented at the conference.
The conference, aimed at business and digital decision-makers, is expected to host over 400 participants from both the private and public sectors, including organizations that use IT solutions as well as representatives from the ICT sector.
Igor Zorko, predsednik ZIT
e- mail: igor.zorko@zzi.si
Nenad Šutanovac, direktor ZIT
e-naslov: nenad.sutanovac@gzs.si
Andreja Lampe, direktorica projektov
IKT-horizontalne mreže,
e-naslov: andreja.lampe@gzs.si
Maruša Boh, organizacija dogodkov in PR, e-naslov: marusa.boh@gzs.si
Flavio Fuart, samostojni svetovalec
vodja projektov
e-naslov: flavio.fuart@gzs.si
Ines Vlahović, samostojna svetovalka,
vodja projektov
e- naslov: ines.vlahovic@gzs.si
Mateja Pucihar Baebler,
e-naslov: mateja.baebler@gzs.si
Tomaž Čebela, svetovalec
e-naslov: tomaz.cebela@gzs.si
Katja Novak, vodja pisarne
e-naslov: katja.novak@gzs.si
Za več informacij o dogodkih, ki jih organiziramo izpolnite kontakni obrazec.